有一年圣诞节来到,纽约动物园内的欢声笑语,所有的动物都在为了这个每年一度的节日而欢呼雀跃。当然,企鹅四人组也不例外,它们准备了丰富的晚宴和圣诞礼物。不过,小兵(Christopher Knights 配音)在侦查时发现,有一只北极熊孤单一人,倍感落寞。小兵感同身受,它偷偷溜了出去,决定为北极熊寻找一份礼物。发现同伴失踪,队长(Tom McGrath 配音)、里克(John Di Maggio 配音...
After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect w...
The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds l...